CPR and Coronavirus

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4 min 36 sec
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Adapting CPR Techniques Amidst COVID-19

Introduction to Revised CPR Protocols

Understanding the necessity for modified CPR procedures to reduce infection risks during the COVID-19 pandemic.

Emergency Response and Precautions

  • Recognising cardiac arrest and the need to call emergency services.
  • Utilising speakerphone for guidance and maintaining safety.

Minimising Infection Risk

Implementing barrier methods such as a cloth over the patient's face to reduce airborne transmission without obstructing the airway.

Executing CPR with Safety Measures

Detailed approach to performing chest compressions under pandemic restrictions.

Effective Compression Technique

  • Proper hand positioning and maintaining a steady compression rhythm.
  • Alternating rescuers for continuous effective compressions.

Post-CPR Hygiene and Care

  • Importance of personal hygiene and changing clothes post-CPR.

Utilising an AED in COVID-19 Scenarios

Guidance on using Automated External Defibrillators (AED) effectively and safely during the pandemic.

Accessing and Operating AEDs

Coordinating with emergency services for AED deployment and following voice prompts for optimal usage.


Highlighting the importance of adapting CPR and AED use to current health guidelines, ensuring both rescuer and patient safety.