Skin Anatomy

The skin is the largest organ in the entire body. It is composed of many layers of tissue and is full of nerve endings, blood vessels and hair follicles. The skin has many different functions, those of which will be explored in this page. Skin cells are constantly being replaced, and it takes around a […]

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The Muscular System

The muscular system consists of three main types of muscle tissue. There is smooth tissue, cardiac tissue and skeletal tissue. Muscles make up a lot of the nervous system (although they can be a part of other systems as well). Two certain proteins form the majority of muscles: actin and myosin. These protein strands overlap […]

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The Circulatory System

The heart is one of the most important organs in mammals and is made of muscular tissue. It pumps blood around the body to other vital organs, giving them oxygen for aerobic respiration. In one circulation of the body, blood enters and leaves the heart twice. Arteries and veins carry blood around the body. Arteries […]

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Frostnip and Frostbite

Frostnip is where the skin freezes and becomes red, white and painful. Frostnip most commonly happens to the patient’s extremities such as fingers, toes, ears and nose. This can be an early sign of frostbite, so it is essential to warm up those areas quickly. However, at this stage, calling the emergency medical services is […]

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